
NO QUARTER The United States of America's War against Black People

This book sheds a harsh light on an uncomfortable truth. America has, in various forms, been at war against Black people for over one and a half centuries. This war is a domestic conflict fought within the very borders of a nation that espouses equality and freedom for all. It is a compendium of evidence that exposes the hypocrisy of the supposed greatest Christian nation on the planet.

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"That person you've been waiting for to lead you through, is in your mirror."– Larry D. Monk, Sr.

I'm Dr. Larry D. Monk Sr., and I'm excited to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you have about my coaching services or to schedule a free consultation. I'm dedicated to providing you with personalized guidance and support as you work towards your academic and personal goals. Let's connect and get started on your journey towards success!